the best game ever but to win on epic difficult i think it is immpossible because it was a little hard to beat it on easy
the best game ever but to win on epic difficult i think it is immpossible because it was a little hard to beat it on easy
so cool and i love the colors for the EPIC gun
good but the second medal is a little hard to get ;)
very cool game but hank is to powerfull if i had 2 tank men i had maybe a chance but so no
i dont know but must i start over when i lost willson? but anyway good game but not the best
this is a s+++ but a little funny
hey guys you heared that i think a guy or girl jumped out of a window and his or her name is free spirit 22 or something good game
to easy but cool game really
lol i cant die in story mod but my partners die when i shoot with granades but i live man story mod is god mod but f###ing good game
Joined on 2/27/12